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Leon Frank – Retired

Leon was born and raised in Porterville, matriculating at Porterville High in 1967. On 12 December 1973, he obtained his law degree at the University of Stellenbosch, but in fact commenced with his articles on 1 December 1973 with the late Mr Dan du Toit, the founding father of our firm, and immediately became a partner at the firm. Leon was admitted as an attorney on 14 December 1974.

Leon has years of experience in all areas of law and hosted extra legal courses at the School of Legal Practice in Bellville in 1976, but his niche is now divorce matters.  With over 40 years of experience in divorce proceedings and being a valuator, Leon has the necessary expertise and skills to ably represent his clients and their best interests, thus ensuring the best possible outcome in what is almost always a challenging field of the law.

Leon loves the outdoors, is an avid hunter, fisherman and breeds race horses.






Mirinda Jansen


Mon – Fri: 8:00 – 17:00

Block B, The Beachhead Office Park, 10 Niblick Way,  Somerset West,  7130  I  +27 851 0737  I  law@leonfrank.com